I know you are already joining Nancy and me in asking God to intervene in the fires our state is facing, from Redding to San Diego, with a special focus on the one's still raging right around us. We pray because our God cares and is able to do what we cannot. Pray for His ongoing protection of those seeking to contain and extinguish these flames, so that we all remain safe. (John 15:7)
At last Sunday mornings congregational meeting you rec'd an update on the ministry, finances, current board actions and an overview of the IPM 5 Stage process that we've just begun. It is important that each of you understand where we are heading, as we are all in this together. I am filled with hope and expectation as I consider Jesus love for this church and his plans for its future. The months ahead will be filled with discovery, prayer, Scripture and forward progress, as he leads us by his Holy Spirit towards his plans for our future. (meditate and believe John 16:13-14)
The coming Sunday we will be considering Paul's writing from Philippians 4:6-9. As we all know and have experienced, the human spirit is prone to worry, anxiety and fretfulness. The good news is that God's Spirit, within us, provides relief from what stresses us out. God's desire is that we exchange the worry we might be experiencing with the peace that passes our human understanding. Now that's a valuable exchange, isn't it? Find out how can take place as we, "Wage War on Worry" this weekend at New Life! Bring your family, friends and co-workers! (Communion during morning service with potluck following service!!!)
Pastor Mike