Have you ever noticed that the more you enjoy something, the more you consume it? It’s the reason why—depending on who you are—we find ourselves “addicted” to things like our favorite foods, our favorite coffee, or binge-watching our favorite television shows.
The same was true for the writer of Psalm 119. He delighted in the Word of God so much (verses 16, 24, 47, 72, 103, 111, 162) that he couldn’t stop consuming it (verses 15, 20, 48, 97).
Have you felt distracted from God’s Word lately? Here’s one suggestion: Pray and ask the Lord to give you a new-found joy for his Word. Or, ask the Lord to show you anew why his Word is worthy of delight. Perhaps, like the author of Psalm 119, you’ll find yourself “consumed with longing” (verse 20) for the Word of God as you rediscover that his living Word is truly and irresistibly “sweeter than honey” (verse 103). Enjoy!