Sometimes, we need the reminder that Jesus knew what we’re going through even before it ever happened.
When we talk about Jesus' all-knowing nature, we’re saying he knows not just what we’re currently experiencing (1 John 3:20), but that he knows everything from beginning to end (Isaiah 46:10)—he even knows the words we utter before they ever leave our mouths (Psalm 139:4). And this should comfort us, because if he knew our current trials before they ever arrived, then he also knows what those trials are leading us towards and what the end result will be (1 Peter 1:6-7).
Our human experience on this earth is filled with struggles, losses, and afflictions. We trust that the Lord uses these experiences for his good purposes (Romans 8:28), but they’re still painful to walk through. Yet, how encouraging it is to know that our Rescuer is deeply knowledgeable about all we will ever face. Yes, everything. And not only is he knowledgeable about it all, he also actively sees and listens (Exodus 2:24; 3:7), cares (Exodus 2:25), empathizes (Hebrews 4:15), and prayerfully intercedes for us so that our faith won't falter (Luke 22:31-32; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). He's more than superficially aware of your sufferings—he fully knows and understands and is filled with compassion for you.
This week, rest in knowing our Lord knew ahead of time what you’re currently walking through. Allow this truth to assure you that he has not forgotten you. On the contrary, if you've trusted in Christ, his Spirit is within you, comforting you and strengthening your faith as you walk through the fire.