Hello New Life!
Below is an order for in-home worship for this Sunday, February 14.
If you start your in-home service at 9:30 am, you'll be synchronized and you'll be able to stream the sermon just as it starts going live (at about 9:45 am). Don't worry if you miss the live-stream; a recording of the sermon will be available on our sermons page by Sunday afternoon.
And here are this week's sermon-based questions for kids (If you'd rather not print, the same questions are listed at the bottom of this blog post, as well):
Call to Worship - Prepare your heart for worship by reading:
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself. (Psalm 89:1-2 NIV)
Response of Praise - Respond with praise by singing:
Sermon - Allow the Word of God to instruct you by watching:
"Two Plans; Two Purposes" (Esther 5:1-14)
Response of Praise - Respond to the preaching of God's Word by singing:
Benediction - Go out into the world this week with God's blessing and spiritual enablement by reading:
May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 115:15 NIV)
Discussion Questions for Kids
1. In today's story, we learn about two plans (One by Esther and the other by Haman). In what ways are their plans different?
2. How does Esther's plan encourage you to live for Jesus this week?
3. What does Mordecai's plan show you what his heart wanted?
4. What are some of the things that make you happy at home? What makes you angry at home?
5. Look at your list above. These are clues that show us the things we might sometimes love more than Jesus (We call them idols). How does remembering what Jesus did for you on the cross help you to love Jesus more than anything else?