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Order of Worship for 5/30/21

Updated: May 30, 2021

Hello New Life!

Below is an order for in-home worship for Sunday, May 30.

If you start your in-home service at 9:30 am, you'll be synchronized with us and you'll be able to stream the sermon as it starts going live (at about 9:45/9:50 am). Don't worry if you miss the live-stream; a recording of the sermon will be available on our "Miracles of Jesus" sermons page by Sunday afternoon.

For Parents with kids at home, click here for resources you can use with your own children, including Bible story videos and activity pages with discussion questions for kids of all ages.



Call to Worship - Prepare your heart for worship by reading:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south. He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind. (Psalm 107:1-3, 14-15 NIV)

Response of Praise - Respond with praise by singing:



Sermon - Allow the Word of God to instruct you by watching:

Note: The first few minutes are church announcements; the sermon starts at about the 5:19 mark.

Response of Praise - Respond to the preaching of God's Word by singing:

Benediction - Go out into the world this week with God's blessing and spiritual enablement by reading:

[May you be] strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. (Colossians 1:11-13 NIV)

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