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Some Help for Inviting Someone to Church

With our “Friends and Family Sunday” coming up a couple of weekends from now, has the Holy Spirit placed someone on your heart to invite? My guess is, yes. But I’m also guessing some of us might be feeling a little awkward (or nervous) about inviting someone to church. So, here’s some help.

First, let me encourage you by saying inviting doesn’t mean convincing. Sometimes, we feel as though we need to convince people to come to church. But the reality is an invitation is just an invitation. “Hey Jane, our church is having a Friends and Family Sunday two weekends from now, and I’d love it if you could join me.” It’s really as simple as that!

Second, let me remind you that it’s okay if the person you invite declines. There’s always another weekend they may be able to join you. And there’s always another friend you could invite.

Last, let me sway you to offer an extra measure of grace by also inviting your friend(s) out to lunch after the service that Sunday. Nothing says friendship like sharing a table together, and—trust me—inviting your friends out to lunch afterwards will mean a lot to them. Want to make it even more meaningful? Host lunch at your house!

I hope this helps you extend a warm invitation to someone important to you in the coming days. I’m looking forward to seeing our Worship Auditorium filled with the people we love that Sunday. Until then, "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 15:5-6).

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Español @ 11:30 am


750 Yosemite Drive

Ukiah, CA 95482


(707) 468-9251

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9:30 am-3:00 pm

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