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Thanking God This Thanksgiving

For a lot of us, Thanksgiving means busy grocery store shopping, hosting, getting everything ready for guests, traveling, visiting, and spending time with others over a hearty meal. Of course, sharing a meal together is always a good thing. Even Jesus did this. But sometimes, if we're not careful, our own busyness causes us to overlook the point of Thanksgiving.

My hope for you, in the hustle and bustle of our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, is that you would find moments to express your gratitude to the Lord. To help you, here is one of the most famous passages on giving thanks:

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalm 100:4-5 NIV)

It's easy to note the psalmist's focus here. He is encouraging us to approach God with thanksgiving and praise. But what is important to note is the reason why, which is threefold. It is important to praise God and to give him thanks because:

  • He is good.

  • He is loving.

  • He is faithful.

This Thanksgiving, spend some time asking yourself, "How has God shown his goodness to me? How has he displayed his love to me? How have I experienced his faithfulness?" Then, spend some time thanking him for his enduring goodness, love, and faithfulness. You could do this with everyone at your table or on your own, but no matter how you do this

May your heart be warmed this Thanksgiving as you remember the Lord's goodness in your life.


Pastor Marttell

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