In Mark 3:7-30, we get a glimpse into the several pressures Jesus faced in his day:
Pressure from those who wanted something from him (vv. 7-12).
Pressure from those who needed his time (vv. 13-19).
Pressure from those who didn't understand him (vv. 20-30).
We can ask ourselves, how was Jesus able to deal with such a variety of social pressures? Because if there's one thing we need as we face our own social pressures today, it's an understanding of how Jesus dealt with the pressures of his day.
We can find an answer in one of Peter's speeches in the book of Acts. He said that Jesus "went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him" (Acts 10:38). It's true that crowds were constantly looking for and gathering around Jesus, pressuring him because they wanted something from him (Mark 1:36-37), but Jesus was able to deal with the constant pressure of the crowds (as well as the pressure from his enemies) because God was with him. He was accustomed to spending time with the Father through prayer (Mark 1:35), and that nearness to the Father sustained him all the way to the cross.
What kinds of social and relational pressures and expectations do you find yourself facing today? Do they ever become overwhelming? Be encouraged this week to find rest and relief from all that pressure by simply letting God be with you. Remember what Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Find rest for your soul this week in the nearness of your Redeemer.