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I will build my church

Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18)

I am so encouraged by the way the Lord is working in His church, by His Spirit.  Here are some of the ways I'm sensing the Spirit's leadership among us; the weekly increase in visitors along with the growing enthusiasm and joy expressed on Sunday mornings, the love expressed to these visitors, the growing desire for greater depth in prayer and to reach out beyond the walls for the church, the openness of men and women to serve on the upcoming church board, the can do attitude that we have witnessed since arriving in July, and the growing hope about the Lord's plans for New Life, now and in the future.  Thank you, Jesus!

Some of what I'm working on these days includes; preaching themes through the end of the year, prayer leadership in a growing number of areas, leading the nominating team as we seek to recommend board members for the new board year, updating the church directory and important ministry lists, considering outreach ideas for Christmas, while continuing to develop a greater spiritual focus for the board, within worship services, with the staff and the ministries of the church.  I'm so proud of the men and women who sacrificially serve the Lord with all their heart, in and through New Life.  The future is bright!

Stay close to Jesus, live in His Word, pray without ceasing, be consistent in gathering for Sunday morning worship service - do not grow weary in well doing, for in due season we will reap, if we don't give up! 

Love serving with you!  See you Sunday 😎

Pastor Mike

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